3.9 Nails.
3.9.1 Size and type. Nails shall be mechanically deformed screw shank, ring shank,
drive screw type, or smooth cement coated or chemically etched sinker, corker, cooler, or box
type as specified in ASTM-F1667. Bright nails may be used when the combined thickness of two
or more pieces being nailed together does not exceed three inches and the nails are clinched a
minimum of ¼ inch. The size of nails used for jointing two or more pieces together, unless
otherwise specified on the applicable drawing (See 6.10), when clinching is not required, shall be
as specified on Table IV. If a Group II lumber piece be joined with a group III, a Group II nail
shall be used. Pieces shall be pre-drilled if necessary, to prevent splitting.
TABLE IV. Size of nails.
Thickness of lumber
Group I & II
Group III
against nail head
3/4 to 7/8
7d or 8d
6d or 7d
1 to 1-1/4
1-3/8 to 1-1/2
1-5/8 or over
3.9.2 Spacing. Nails shall be arranged as specified on the applicable drawings (See
6.10). If not specifically described on a drawing, nailed joints shall be nailed in accordance with
the following:
a. At least two for a nominal four inches in width or less, three for a nominal six inch
width, four for a nominal eight inch width and at least five for a nominal ten and twelve inch
b. Nails, 8d or smaller, shall be driven not less than one inch from the edge or end of the
c. Nails, 16d shall be driven not less than one inch from the edge or end of the piece. In
general, spacing of nails longitudinally into cleats shall not exceed six inches.
d. Nails shall be driven in a staggered pattern.
3.9.3 Driving. Nails shall be driven so that neither the head, the point, nor the clinched
portion shall project above the surface of the wood. Occasional overdriving of nails shall be
permitted, but shall be kept to a maximum of 25 percent for the cover and 25 percent of the base.
When necessary, a head shall be countersunk at least 1/8 inch below the surface of the wood. All
fasteners bent in driving shall be removed or broken off below the surface and replaced. The
heads of fasteners shall be driven down beneath the surface of the board.
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