3.1 Required inspections.
3.1.1 First article. When specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected to
first article inspection in accordance with 4.2.
3.1.2 Conformance. A sample shall be subjected to conformance inspection in
accordance with 4.3.
3.2 Wood species. Pallet units constructed in accordance with this specification shall be
made from the species of woods specified in ASTM D6199 and Table I. The characteristics of
the wood group are described in section 6.9.
TABLE I. Individual species permitted per grade.
Individual Species and Wood
Pallet Units
Pallet Parts
Group II, Group III, Aspen,
Grade A
Cypress, Cottonwood,
All Parts
Magnolia, Spruce or Birch
Group IV, Douglas Fir, Larch
Skids Only
or Pumpkin ash
Groups II, Group III, Group
IV, Aspen, Cedar, Cypress,
Grade B
Spruce, Cottonwood,
All Parts
Magnolia or Birch
3.3 Ammunition lot numbering. Ammunition lot numbers shall be in accordance with
3.4 Moisture content.
3.4.1 Grade A pallet units. Container and pallet members shall have a moisture content, at
the time of fabrication, of not greater than 19% nor less than 9% of their oven-dry weight in
accordance with ASTM D6199.
3.4.2 Grade B pallet units. Lumber for Grade B pallet units shall be seasoned to a
moisture content of not more than twenty-two percent nor less than 9%.
3.5 Thickness and width.
3.5.1 Thickness. Maximum variation on any piece shall not exceed the thickness as
shown in Table II.
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